Model Design Thinking pada Perancangan Aplikasi Matengin Aja
Because of globalization, technology today is very important for developing businesses. The raw and semi-finished goods sector has not been given much attention so it needs to get special attention by creating a buying and selling system. The purpose of this study is to develop businesses in the raw and semi-finished goods sector. The method used in this paper is descriptive qualitative. So that the design becomes efficient, creative, and systematic design thinking becomes the solution of the design method of this information system. In this study the design thinking used consisted of three stages, namely empathy, define, and ideate. By using design thinking design will be efficient, creative, and user needs are always considered. Matengin Aja wrote is an application made to bring together owners of raw and semi-finished goods with people who need these goods. The owner of raw and semi-finished goods can sell the results of goods that are independently owned. By using product thinking design that is designed based on the needs of many people, the product can be well defined, and the overall concept can be displayed.
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